Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World | International Trailer

Yet another Scott Pilgrim reference, funny how I got into this whole mess because of these visual promotions. I took to the books soon after, and were read upon after a mire few days had past from the first viewing for the first trailer.

I'm certainly looking forward to this, for the game references are just brilliant and the whole concept is hilarious, perhaps I should do that cosplay idea I had just now.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World Game Trailer (E3 2010)

After only a mire two months of constant Scott Pilgrim references, I seem to have found myself becoming increasingly obsessed with this franchise. The comics, the movie, and now the game based upon the comics to be released in conjunction with the motion picture of the same name. Have to say, I certainly never expected this to be the final product, shall never doubt Ubisoft again.

I really do love me some 2D side-scrolling brawling action, the added four player co op option has only but increased my stern interest in the game, and will no doubt involve late nights with a slice of pizza in one hand, and my trusted controller in the other, you had me at hello Mr Pilgrim!

Marvel vs Capcom 3 E3 2010 Full Length Trailer [HD]

An all inspiring trailer to compliment a game which has seen mass amount of gamers clawing (not literately) at the feet of the develops to make it happen after many years of absence, and who said the 'beat em up' genre was dead?, they should be ashamed of themselves! :D

Deadpool seems to have emerged has a personal favourite of mine. Voiced by the talented Nolan North, he's certainly the Dante of the Marvel universe, the ying to his yang, the peanut to his jelly, and so on and so forth..........