Monday, 22 February 2010

3D Dot Game Heroes:- MCM Expo 2010

I had seen that this game was to appear at the MCM Expo over the weekend in Telford, I just had absolutely no idea what it was about until I got there. It would turn out to be a game that I was to become currently obsessed with, I only left the area where it was playable because of other goings on at the event, wished I could of continued longer. 3D Dot Game Heroes is a Zelda-like adventure where everything is made from blocks; and I mean everything, it was a rather crazy affair to say the least but I was transfixed for around ten minutes at the marvel of a 2.D game with retro-style music. The organizers of the display then made a large foam figure of the protagonist, if their was a way to take it home with me I would of, but I guess the memories of this faithful day will suffice enough and live my memories.

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